Marie-Christine Jaillet is director of research at the CNRS. A specialist in cities, she has conducted numerous studies on suburbanisation and in particular on suburban lifestyles. She is also interested in 'city policy' and the requalification of 'troubled' neighbourhoods.
Duffau Associates
Nathalie BRUYERE
Toulouse, France
The treatment of emptiness which becomes an organisational parameter of our habitat. Emptying is not a trivial act, but what is the purpose of it? What is the purpose of this void? In most cases, designers and architects make a point of trying to invent the ideal flat for a user they have never met and do not know. Here, the partitions and walls are designed to be in line with the Open Standrad: appropriable, transformable, reparable. They must be able to be elements of recompositions of the habitat to take care of it, to allow the extra room. The work is to mesh with the evolution of lifestyles is to move from fixed typologies to typologies or more exactly to variable occupation surfaces according to the evolution of life.